The instant I saw the HP USB thumb drive with a built in label, I knew I had to have one. Why? To give out autographed ebooks of course! I had seen articles about various hacks that allow authors/publishers to distribute ebooks with custom cover art, but it seemed a bit too labor intensive, both… Continue reading Contest: Autographed Ebooks
Tag: contest
Contest Announcement: Beyond Small Towns
As I began publishing my novels, the first few were all young adult science fiction adventures that had a common structure; a high school aged protagonist in a real small town, in the current time, takes a step off into the strange and wonderful, using many of the standard science fiction themes. As I began… Continue reading Contest Announcement: Beyond Small Towns
Second Thoughts About My Twitter Contest
Since November of 2007, I’ve been running a low-key contest on Twitter. It was very simple, I ran a couple of Perl scripts to archive any tweets containing @HenryMelton, which for the most part were replies to me about something. Once a month, I ran a second script that randomly pulled one of the userid’s… Continue reading Second Thoughts About My Twitter Contest