Officially, Pixie Dust has a publication date of April 1, 2010, but my shipment just arrived, Amazon has jumped the gun and has both the trade paperback and Kindle versions available for sale. It’s a couple of days early, but I don’t mind. Just as soon as I turn on the buy button on my… Continue reading Comic Book Inspiration
Tag: Pixie Dust
Waiting for the UPS Truck
Sometime today, a UPS truck will drive up and hand me a proof copy of Pixie Dust. This is my last chance to notice any killer flaws in the cover and the text before committing to turning the book loose for sale. If I see something horrible, then I have a very narrow window to… Continue reading Waiting for the UPS Truck
Contest Announcement: Beyond Small Towns
As I began publishing my novels, the first few were all young adult science fiction adventures that had a common structure; a high school aged protagonist in a real small town, in the current time, takes a step off into the strange and wonderful, using many of the standard science fiction themes. As I began… Continue reading Contest Announcement: Beyond Small Towns