As I began publishing my novels, the first few were all young adult science fiction adventures that had a common structure; a high school aged protagonist in a real small town, in the current time, takes a step off into the strange and wonderful, using many of the standard science fiction themes.
As I began to think seriously about marketing the novels, I chose the Small Towns, Big Ideas banner line to group them together, even going so far as to compose this banner of typical small town views to mark these books. If you have one of my books, take a look at the back cover, and there you’ll find it.
However, Pixie Dust, novel seven is due out in April, and while I already have ARCs sent out (with a few left over in case you’re a reviewer *hint*), this novel doesn’t fit. For one thing, the protagonist is in her twenties, so the book isn’t strictly a YA. For another, the story begins in Austin, Texas, which doesn’t quite fit the ‘small town’ category either.
Now, while my writing style isn’t radically different in this tale, I am now facing the need for a different marketing phrase. In fact, I have other stories in the pipeline that also don’t quite fit the Small Towns, Big Ideas category. Breaking Anchor starts in Chicago. Follow That Mouse may not be science fiction (it may be a fantasy).
In any case, I have stories to tell that are neither small town YA’s nor that belong to the long running Terraforming Project storyline that I’ve been producing since the ’70s.
So, I ask you, do you have any good marketing ideas for me? If you have read my work, and have some ideas about the nature of what I do, you could give me some valuable advice. I need it soon. Email all suggestions to . The winner wins an autographed copy of every title published under that marketing banner. I’ll announce the winner in this blog either in two weeks, or when the perfect solution bowls me over.
Thanks everyone.