When I posted about using an external keyboard with my iPad, I was questioned about whether I didn’t really need a laptop. That brings up the whole question about where the iPad fits into the whole scheme of personal computing. I can only talk about my computing needs, but after four days, the iPad is… Continue reading iPad’s Place
Tag: computer
Configuring my iPad for Editing
IMG_1001 Originally uploaded by hmelton Even before my iPad arrived, I ordered the Pages app from the App Store. I’ve used a variety of portable devices in my writing over the years and this one looked promising. Long ago, I had a Tandy Model 100, then various Newtons. I’ve worked through many laptops and even… Continue reading Configuring my iPad for Editing
Just a Reminder: Protect Your Friends with BCC
I just got a cute mailing from my sister that showed some really wonderful pictures of what farm kids could do with hay bales. I’m glad I got it, just like I appreciate the mass mailings from my other sister and my grand niece and a few buddies here and there. I do worry a… Continue reading Just a Reminder: Protect Your Friends with BCC