Sheila Finch, John DeChancie, Vernor Vinge, and Henry Melton at the Technology of Writing panel. Westercon is done. I’ve finished all my panels and met a few editors. Mary Ann has taken her last photos of the Pacific, for this trip. Now the time has come to switch gears and look forward to the next… Continue reading Leaving San Diego
Tag: Westercon
Looking Under the Hood
Westercon seems to have a higher percentage of movie industry people, which is not really surprising, since it’s just a short drive from Hollywood. I dropped into a couple of presentations today dealing with changing movie technology and looks behind the scene from insiders’ perspectives. I suppose everyone has had the impulse to get into… Continue reading Looking Under the Hood
Star Trek New Voyages
The most interesting panel I attended today at Westercon was one on Star Trek New Voyages. This is fan film on a grand scale. These people have complete sets, high quality special effects, and a lot of dedicated volunteers. It’s pulling in even more interesting people, like … well just take a look at this… Continue reading Star Trek New Voyages