For a year and a half, my regular attendance at comicons, sitting at a table to sell my books, has come to a halt. For the longest time, I just monitored the websites that listed the events, watching as the bravest organizers attempted to hold their events in spite of Covid, as many of them had to cancel or go virtual.
Finally, as I got vaccinated and the numbers of infections dropped back to a manageable level, I considered signing up for a table. Unfortunately, my hesitancy meant that I was too late for many of my favorite events and that I’d have to wait another year to attend them.
Then I found a couple of possibilities. Bell County Comicon just an hour up the road and Texarkana Comicon later on. And… just as soon as I plopped down my cash and purchased tables, the Covid numbers started climbing again. sigh

Still, August 7-8, I’ll be at the Bell County Comicon (Hall C, table 5010) with my books, smiling behind my mask. The way I figure it, with my vaccination and mask and such, I have little risk of catching anything. I’m not going to be contributing to the viral load at the event since I don’t have any infection, and I’m hardly famous enough to draw a bigger crowd than would be there in the first place. I’ve gotta start some time.
The hardest part is pulling out my checklist that I’ve used for years to prepare for attending a comicon and packing my book boxes. Luckily most of everything is still as it was when I came home from Lubbock-con back in February of 2020. Still there are some things that need replacing. But I’ll be back on the road!