Preparing for a Road Trip

I was just updating my calendar and was disturbed to see that I hadn’t been on the road in nearly three months. That’s just not right! I learned several years ago that each day on the road was worth three at home. I may not be able to live any more calendar days longer by traveling, but memories are packed when each glance out the window is new.

Unfortunately, tight budgets come to us all, and I need an excuse to get out of town. A timely wedding for a wonderful, grand-niece, (Christian did the cover for Roswell or Bust), and the wonderful news that I had to go to Montreal for Worldcon to attend the Golden Duck Awards event make for a good excuse to put some serious miles on the odometer.
Packing, unfortunately, is not going well. With a wedding marking the deadline to get off, we can’t let it slide too much. They won’t wait for us. Pool troubles, horse health issues, finding a friendly place for Sissy the Dog to stay; these have all caused delays in getting everything ready. Still, just think, this time tomorrow I’ll be out of town, and the pool will be cared for by Sean, and the horse is at Bettye’s, and friends are coming to visit the house while we’re gone. And I’ll be on the road.