Living in Motels

Three ways to travel, at least for me. If I’ve got a budget, and exotic destination, and the right motivation, I pull out the passport and head to the airport.

But most trips lately have been on the road, and that means a choice between the RV and motelling it. This current trip has become motel based because budget issues has left my RV with a flat tire and needed repair work still pending. So that means I need to love motels rooms.
The first leg of the current expedition is the NANPA annual convention for Mary Ann in Albuquerque New Mexico. With last minute scheduling and the budget in mind, we only made our reservations at the Motel 6 (instead of the convention hotel) just a few hours before arriving. I can live with this room, at least for a few days.
Mary Ann is spending 18 hours per day either attending convention events, or slaving over her computer to annotate and prepare her photos for presentation. My schedule is limited by hers. I ferry her to the convention center and provide a bit of computer support. I was up to 3:30 this morning getting a massive photo upload completed in time for one of her commercial projects.
During the day, I make do at the tiny desk in the room, working on my regular writing and publishing projects, just as I would do if I were at home. I update web pages, work on book promotion and scan my internet resources for inspiration. Today, after a long morning nap, I worked on the script for a book trailer I intend to produce and YouTube, highlighting the Falling Bakward novel. I’ve never done one of those before and it’s interesting. When it becomes closer to reality, I’ll give you a look.
When the convention is over, we’ll be heading for scenic areas for Mary Ann to take more photos. I’ll keep you updated. Follow my Twitter for more immediate news.