One more learning experience. Sigh.
When I submitted my podcast Falling Bakward to the iTunes listing, I was confident that the feed was working fine. I could get all the episodes directly, and I had routed it through Feedburner and it showed no problems there. So I added it to iTunes … and the first eight chapters were missing, as well as my short introduction. Did iTunes limit it to 25 episodes? Did the questionmark in the chapter 8’s name cause problems?
No, the issue was that I had installed iLife ’09 shortly after I had uploaded chapter 8. Somehow, the internal bookkeeping iWeb kept on the episodes had a glitch between the chapters uploaded to last year’s iWeb and this year’s version. Today, after finally trying to tinker with the feed (all this is invisible to the user-friendly iWeb) I went and ‘touched’ each of the early chapters and made iWeb re-index everything. I unsubscribed and trashed my iTunes downloads and resubscribed and now everything is appearing as it should.
I bet I’m messing up someone’s feed who subscribed earlier, but it’s better than making everyone start listening to the novel at chapter 9.