Westercon Schedule

I received my official list of panels that I’ll be part of for Westercon 59, Conzilla, in San Diego over this July 4th holiday. Of course, all they give you is the title, and a list of who else is likely to be on the same panel. Usually, I work out a list of things I’d like to say on these things, and then when it actually happens, the topic mutates and wanders far off into strange territory and my list is ignored — but that’s okay. I think that’s how it’s actually supposed to work.

Saturday 12:00: Technology of Writing (Salon B)
(With: John DeChancie, Sheila Finch, Deirdre Saoirse Moen, Vernor Vinge)

Sunday 17:00: Writing from a Non Human Point of View (Salon D)
(With: Steven Barnes, Sheila Finch, John Hertz, Karen Taylor)

Tuesday 14:00: The Economics of Ebooks (Salon A)
(With: Dawn Devine, Francis Hamit, Michael Ward)