The High Quest is just out. It is showing up on the various bookstore online sites. Just like the first book, Alpine Duty, it’s available as trade paperbook and ebook versions. You can even order it from me, but as of today (Thanksgiving 2021) my inventory hasn’t arrived from the printer yet, so it might… Continue reading New Book in the Lunar Alpine Trilogy
Tag: writing
How I Write Today (2021)
I’ve been writing for a long time, and occasionally I see people raving about this or that writing program. Some hide distractions, some are plain text, others have elaborate embedded databases to contain all your research. I’ve even written a few word processors myself. One was even commercially available (SAMS), back in the TRS-80 days.… Continue reading How I Write Today (2021)
a quiet place to write
I’ve been a writer for… a long time, many decades. One thing I’ve found indispensable is a quiet place—some place where I can hear my own thoughts. For me, this is difficult. My hearing is sensitive. I pick up conversations from a distance. If I can’t hear something you’re saying, it’s only because there are… Continue reading a quiet place to write