Early in my publishing efforts, I realized I needed good cover art for my novels. So, I sent out a call to everyone I knew asking for help. Scott Cupp, replied with an email pointing me to his nephew Wes Hartman and shortly we began exchanging email. Wes is with Antarctic Press in San Antonio. His first effort was the cover for Emperor Dad, and then Lighter Than Air, Falling Bakward, and Golden Girl. I’ll probably have him do the cover for the upcoming Bearing Northeast as well.
So after four covers, and numerous emails over the course of the past three years, I was hoping that I’d get to finally meet the guy. I follow the company’s twitter stream and sure enough, it mentioned that Wes was likely to be here for the Austin Comic Con.
We shook hands and I got to see what he looked like. (I also picked up an autographed copy of his Sky Sharks.) If you get a chance, drop by his booth #503 and meet him yourself while he’s here in town.