The Excellent Phantom Panel Discussion

Today at 2PM at Archon, I was scheduled to sit on the “Can’t Stop the Music” panel. As is usually the case with these events, all the preparation I was given was the title. You sit in front of the audience and wing it.

Well, on this panel, the three of us, Vic Milan, Doug Ferguson, and myself were competing for audience with an autographing by Alan Dean Foster, a panel with Ben Bova on it, and another titled, “Knickers and Knockers – An Overview of Underwear”. Needless to say our audience was very small. The smallest. No one came.

However, that didn’t stop us. The three of us carried on a wide ranging discussion of the historically significant bad movie whose name was used for our panel, on-line commerce, e-publishing, and a variety of other like issues. I enjoyed it immensely. Aren’t you sorry you missed it?